+91 98402 27906
Who We Are
Ourselves as a Tax Consultancy Service Organization Established with a view to primarily cater to the growing needs of individuals, business and trade establishments in and around Chennai, Located in the Central Hub of Trade and industry at Manali the commercial centre in North Chennai, we have the required infrastructure and manpower to meet the growing demands of business and industrial establishments. In view of the overwhelming demand from our reputed clients. We are pleased to inform you that we have Branches.

The main features of our company is to be accessible at all times round the clock and also meet the demands of customers needs through a team of high caliber business development executives and assessment experts, who are basically trouble shooters and can solve your problems.
Objectives were identified to be achieved in order to accomplish the stated goals.
  • To promote the legislative role of Amirtham Consultancy in coordination with other related sectors.
  • Implement the best services in the field of Tax Consultancy Services.
  • To build and develop the managerial and technical capacities of Amirtham Consultnacy.
  • To ensure accessibility of a comprehensive Tax Consultancy Services to all clients.
Business Philosophy
Humble: OURTEAM is customer-centric and we serve our customers in a humble manner.
Hungry: We are hungry to serve our customers by aggressively engaging in new businesses and challenges.
Hardworking: We work hard to achieve goals set jointly with customers as well as reaching corporate objectives set by ourselves.
Management Philosophy
OURTEAM combines technology and humanity to drive excellence in research, development, sale and marketing of products, services and solutions that enhance welfare of all humankind
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